26 March 2022
As you all would be aware, from around 20 April various face to face restrictions will be relaxed, like students returning to school, the opening of gyms and government sport centers as well as other venues. This can also impact our chess instruction. We plan to do the following:
For students having registered for our regular online classes (Monday 6-7pm, Tuesday 5-7pm, Thu 5-6pm): no change
For students who had registered for our face to face group classes, but had been taken the online version of these classes that we offered during the restrictive period: change to face to face as soon as students go to school for face to face classes
For those students who wish to continue online in April after schools turn to face to face, we will be doing dual version until 30 April. However, from 1 May all face to face group classes will only be in face to face format
For those who do not want to continue with face to face in May, please consider registering for our regular online classes
For our planning purposes we would like to hear your preference so we can make sure we can accommodate your needs as much as possible, e.g., by opening some additional online classes.
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