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Unveiling the Rising Stars: Celebrating Our Young EOM Autumn 2024 Cycle Chess Players

EOM November 17 & 24 in Sheung Wan Center

11 月 17 日及 24 日上環分校月終賽賽事回顧

17 Nov Group A & B: Time to show off skills!

月終賽A組 & B組:是時候展現你的棋力!

November 17 brought an exciting day of competition as Caissa hosted its monthly EOM tournament – last one in the Autumn cycle. Today the day’s prize winners would get medals as usual, and the ones who over 2 tournaments out of 3 have the highest scores would also get the Autumn cycle trophies and be promoted.

11 月 17 日,Caissa 棋院在上環分校舉辦了每月一次的EOM 比賽,這也是秋季賽的最後一場。今天比賽中勝出的棋手除了可以得到獎牌,三場秋季賽中累計兩場最高分的選手將獲得秋季賽獎盃並會晉級。

The EOM is organized exclusively for Caissa students. It provides an opportunity for all beginning and intermediate players to put their chess knowledge into actions.

每月一次的EOM比賽專為 Caissa 的學生而設,為初學者和中級棋手提供了一個實戰機會,將學到的棋藝知識付諸實踐。

Players in Action - 比賽花絮

More than 20 players from the advanced sessions were separated into Division A and B. A total of 5 rounds were played in Rapid time format, with notation mandatory. The tournament was run by International Arbiter Coach Alberto Muniz with the assistance of coach Sunny Lo. The event unfolded in a fun yet professional atmosphere.

來自進階課程的 20 多位選手被分為 A 組和 B 組,採用快棋模式進行了共五輪對局,而棋手也需要記錄棋譜。比賽由國際裁判 Alberto Muniz 教練主裁及Sunny Lo 教練協助。整場比賽在專業而輕鬆的氛圍中,順利展開。

Our Friendly, yet Professional Arbiter Alberto - 我們既友善又專業的裁判 Alberto

After 2.5 hours of thrilling battles, the Prize winner in today’s Division A were:

1. Luke with 4.5 points 2. Joshua, 3. Ziwen and 4. Anson all with 3.5 points. All received medals. Are results of today are here.

經過 2.5 小時的激烈比拼,當天 A 組的得獎者如下,而所有得獎者都獲得了精美的獎牌:

冠軍Luke,以 4.5 分完成




(第二至四名均以 3.5 分並列)


Today's Prize Winners - 獎牌得主合照

Counting the best two results of the 3 months Autumn Cycle, the Division A Winners who “graduated” from EOM and cannot join anymore (congrats1) were, with trophies:

1.      Champion Anson from our ECA at Shatin Junior School (Step 2 Thinking Ahead) scored 7.5 points

2.      Luke (Step 2 Extra) also scored  7.5 points but ended 2nd on tie-break

3.      Shayan (Step 3 Extra) from Discovery Bay: 7 points

4.      Bryan (Step 3) from Sheung Wan: 7 points

累計三個月秋季賽中最佳兩場比賽的成績,A 組的總冠軍與晉級者為:

冠軍:Anson來自沙田小學的 ECA 課程(Step 2 Thinking Ahead),總分 7.5 分

第二名Luke(Step 2 Extra),同樣 7.5 分,可惜依據勝負細分規則屈居第二

第三名 Ziwen(Step 3 Extra),來自愉景灣分校,總分 7 分

第四名Bryan(Step 3),來自上環分校,總分 7 分

Prize Winners and Final Ranking Table Group A EOM Autumn 2024 - 獎盃得主合影, 2024 年秋季 EOM 比賽 A 組最終排名表


Today’s Group B Prize Winners were: 1. Power-girl Shreenidhi with 4 points, 2 the very  young Shayne and 3. Ernest with 3.5 points. 4. Julian with 3 points and 5. Tejas and 6. Shashank with 2.5 points each. They all collected their medals proudly.

而今天 比賽中B 組的獎牌得主為:

冠軍:Shreenidhi,獲得 4 分,實至名歸


第三名:Ernest,獲得 3.5 分

第四名:Julian,獲得 3分

第五名:Tejas ,獲得 2.5分

第六名:Arjun,獲得 2.5分


All today's results are here at chess-results

當天的賽果可於此處查閱:chess-results 連結

Group B Medals Prize Winners - 獎盃得主合照

This Group B full Autumn cycle was ruled by Discovery Bay students! Following players were promoted to Division A:

1.      Champion: Shreenidhi Balaji Caissa Girl from Discovery Bay Centre with 8 points

2.      Shayne, also from DB with 7.5 points

3.      Sophia, another Caissa Girl from DB: 7 points

4.      Ernest, our CTP Up and Coming Talent: 6.5 points

5.      Tejas alias ‘keeps-on-improving’ from DB: 6 points

6.      Arjun, from DB: 5.5 points

All these players brought home their trophies and will need to gear one level up the upcoming Winter Cycle in the highest Group A of the EOM series.

秋季賽B 組的獎項可以說是由愉景灣分校的學生包辦了!而以下棋手成功晉升至 A 組:

冠軍:Shreenidhi Balaji,來自愉景灣分校的女生,總分 8 分

第二名:Shayne,來自愉景灣分校,總分 7.5 分

第三名:Sophia,同樣來自愉景灣分校,總分 7 分

第四名:Ernest以 6.5分緊隨其後

第五名:Tejas ,總分 6分

第六名:Arjun,總分 5.5 分

這些晉級棋手都高興地帶著他們的獎盃回家,他們將進入最高級別 A 組接受隨之而來的冬季賽,進行新一輪的挑戰!

Trophy Prize Winners and Final Table Ranking Group B EOM Autumn 2024 - 2024 年秋季 EOM 比賽 B 組最終排名表


24 Nov Group C & D Finishes the EOM strong

24 Nov C 組 & D 組:以高質素完成比賽

With its great number of Cassia students, the Autumn cycle does not stop here. Followed by Division A and B, we had the beginner group of students Group C and D competing on November 24 under the same time format and rules.

隨著 Caissa 棋院的學員人數不斷增加,隨了A 組和 B 組之外,於11 月 24 日,初學組分為 C 組和 D 組分別展開了激烈對抗,而比賽採用了同樣的快棋模式和規則。

Our future master players - 我們未來的國際象棋大師

This week there were more than 30 players and dominated by the boys. However, out of which, 7 strong girls were in action, and they were performing well in the tournament. After another 5 rounds of exciting matches, Today’s Group C Prize Winners were : 1. Jayden Ridd and 2. Nemo Chen with 4.5 points each where the Champion had a tie-break advantage, 3. Oliver Wong with 4 points, 4. Leo Thomas, 5. Sasha Chan, 6. Lucas Chui and 7.Max Tu with 3.5 points each, also was a very close results.

All today’s results chess-results.

本週共有超過 30 位選手參賽,男生佔多數,但當中 7 位棋藝不凡的女生也在賽場上發揮出色。經過 5 輪精彩對局,今天 C 組的獎牌得主如下:

冠軍:Jayden Ridd,獲得4.5分

第二名:Nemo Chen ,獲得4.5分(勝負細分上略差)

第三名:Oliver Wong,獲得4分

第四名:Leo Thomas

第五名:Sasha Chan

第六名:Lucas Chui

第七名:Max Tu


完整賽果可於此處查閱:chess-results 連結

Medal Winners of the Day from Group C - 獎牌得主合照

In the meantime, we would like to congratulate all Division C Winners who will be promoted to Division B. It would be a big challenge to them as they will not only be playing against other Division B students but also against the stronger Division A students in the next cycle. Congrats to the following promoted players:

1.      Champion Jayden Ridd with an outstanding 9 points without a single loses in Autumn Cycle

2.      Nemo Chen with stable a performance: 8.5 points

3.      Oliver Wong strong finish: 8 points

4.      Jules Le Provost among the best in his division :7.5 points

5.      Sasha Chan, our rising star among the girls: 7.5 points

6.      Max Tu ended in a close tie break :7.5 points

7.      Summer Chen, another girl with great potential: 6.5 points

我們向所有 C 組獲獎者致以祝賀,他們將在下個賽季晉級至 B 組。這將是一場大挑戰,因為他們將面對不僅是 B 組的棋手,甚至可能是 A 組更強的對手!而以下是晉級名單:

冠軍:Jayden Ridd,整個秋季賽累積 9 分,未嘗一敗

第二名:Nemo Chen,穩定的表現斬獲 8.5 分

第三名:Oliver Wong,出色收官,總分 8 分

第四名:Jules Le Provost,C 組表現最亮眼之一,總分 7.5 分

第五名:Sasha Chan,女棋手中的明日之星,總分 7.5 分

第六名:Max Tu,勝負細分遺憾落後,總分 7.5 分

第七名:Summer Chen,又一位具有潛力的女棋手,總分 6.5 分

Trophies Prize Winners and Final Table Ranking Group C EOM Autumn 2024 - 2024 年秋季 EOM 比賽 C 組最終排名表


As for our most beginner group Division D, today’s winners were: 1. Charlie Liu with 3.5 points and impressively ending 5th of 32 players across groups C and D. 2. Young talented girl Aya Guan Golan with 3 points, 3. Rishaan Thakur 2.5 points, 4. Louis Thomas and 5. Nathan Chau with 2 points each. All today’s results in chess-results.

在初學組的 D 組中,以下是當天的獎牌得主:

冠軍:Charlie Liu,在當天32 名選手中總排名第 5

第二名:Aya Guan Golan,總分3分

第三名:Rishaan Thakur,總分2.5 分

第四名:Louis Thomas ,總分2分

第五名:Nathan Chau,總分2分

完整賽果可於此處查閱:chess-results 連結

Today's Medal Prize Winners Group D - 獎牌得主合照

The following Division D Autumn Cycle Winners are now ready to take on the next challenge in the next cycle after their first promotion. Here are the trophy winners:

1.      Champion Alexandre Huet-Sakai with 5 points 

2.      Kaho Kobayashi, a very close result to the 1st place : 4.5 points

3.      Nathan Chau : 3.5 points

4.      Jacob Yen :3.5 points

5.      Charlie Liu : 3.5 points

秋季賽的 D 組優勝者已準備好迎接下一個挑戰,他們將首次晉級到更高組別!以下是晉級名單:

冠軍:Alexandre Huet-Sakai,以 5 分穩居第一

第二名:Kaho Kobayashi,僅以稍微差距位列第二,總分 4.5 分

第三名:Nathan Chau,總分 3.5 分

第四名:Jacob Yen,總分 3.5 分

第五名:Charlie Liu,總分 3.5 分

The Group D Trophy Winners to be Promoted to Group C and Final Table Ranking Group D EOM Autumn 2024 - 2024 年秋季 EOM 比賽 D 組最終排名表

The EOM Autumn Cycle 2024 concluded with a fantastic display of talent and sportsmanship across all divisions. Congratulations to all the winners who earned medals and trophies. For those who didn’t secure a prize this time, remember that every game is a step towards improvement. Keep practicing and never stop learning.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming Winter Cycle tournaments—we can’t wait to see everyone back at the boards!

秋季 EOM 2024 圓滿落幕

隨著秋季 EOM 比賽的結束,所有分組的棋手們都展現了高水平的棋力和體育精神,讓我們再向所有獲得獎牌與獎盃的棋手致以熱烈祝賀!



我們即將迎來 2024 年冬季 EOM比賽,敬請關注即將發布的比賽資訊!期待再次見到每位棋手!


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