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Zetland Hall Greater China Rapid Open 2023

Close to a hundred players and some 40 accompanying persons went out of their way to meet in Zetland Hall on Sunday May 28 for our 5th chess event there. At the opening Caissa Founder, David Garceran Nieuwenburg, handed over a donation cheque of again 75,000HKD to Dr. Ko from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in support of their Alzheimer's research. After that, in appreciation and recognition of efforts to bring in 40 youth players from Hong Kong, David handed out a special award to Ms. Huang, the Founder of visiting Yifan Shenzhen Chess Academy.

Handing Over the Donation Cheque to Dr. Ko and the Recognition Award to Ms. Huang

The event went smoothly, in the capable hands of the Caissa coaches and arbiters so that well in time after 3 rounds the place could be transformed swiftly into a buffet restaurant, where everyone had their fill, and refill!

Miguel Angel Garceran Wang, founding Caissa student in 2012, with several national youth and scholastic champion prizes, was back to play. His last round loss stood in between taking home another Champion trophy.

Although it was an Open event, we had 6 prizes in the age categories U8, U10, U12 and U16, as well as Best Girl trophies. All results can be found here:

Prize Winners U8, U10, U12 and U16

Open Group Prize Winners: (left to right), Champion Nathan Pearce, 2. Adrian Wong, 3. David Zion Chiu, 4. Miguel Garceran Wang, 5. Brandon Fang and from Shenzhen 6. 彭坜龙

At the very end, after all prizes were given, the audience stayed for the lucky draw: Caissa bags containing the highly fashionable Caissa cap with a bag of candy, a Xiaomi WiFi speaker set and Xiaomi watch were among the prizes.

See also our Facebook entry for a blurb:

The event also counted for May EOM results of Groups A and B, and medals were given out to: 1. Mikail Chan (middle), 2. Maxton John Ho (right) and 3. Wong Shing Ho as top 3 Group A (photo left). In Group B medal winners were 1.Clement 2.Yue Hei 3.Jayden 4.Ivan 5.Adrian (right to left) as the medal winners in Group B. Well done all!

Certificates were also handed out...


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