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Ben Han Wins Zetland Start of Season - Niilo Nissinen Champion Summer Moves Grand Prix

On 15 September, normally on Sundays closed Zetland Hall opened its doors again to host the Caissa last leg of the Summer Moves 2021 Grand Prix. From halfway August until the event at Zetland, which was also the Start of Season event, a total of 8 events were organized, 6 FIDE rated (see here for report on events 1 and 2, events 3 and 4, and event 5).

At the Tournament Opening ceremony, a donation cheque of 75,000HK$ was handed over to Dr. Adrian Wong from CUHK Faculty of Medicine, Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia. We has set aside a percentage of the fees received from all our tournament participants and students over the last year which enable us to do this donation. Thank you all!

The Opening Ceremony at the marvelous Zetland Hall

David Garceran Nieuwenburg hands out the 75,000HK$ cheque to Dr. Adrian Wong (left). Chief Arbiter IA Alberto Muniz gives last tournament instructions before start of Round 1 (right)

Back to the event itself now, which attracted 55 players. In a 7 rounds 15m+3s FIDE Rapid format a total pool of 95 Grand Prix points were available, the winner getting 25 points, 2nd place 20, 3rd place 15 and places 4 to 10 would earn 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2 and 1 point respectively. Going into the event Niilo was leading the pack as follows (4 best results/points count):

Leaderboard Grand Prix after 6 events before start of today's Start of Season Rapid

Anything could still happen - except that Niilo was already Grand Prix Champion, no matter what. Great job Niilo!

The first few rounds

In any case, the tournament progressed steadily. After 3 rounds it was time for lunch! The buffet was set up in the bar area outside outside the playing hall and food was consumed there or in the playing hall.

Lunchtime Break

And ready for for the remaining 4 rounds under smooth control of Chief Arbiter IA Alberto Muniz.

IA Alberto Muniz

Because there were many points to be earned in this last Grand Prix events even players who had not yet participated in any event could still win Grand Prix prizes. And that is exactly what happened! Ben Han claimed the first place when Niilo lost in the last round against Edgar.

Only until the very last round was played, the top spots of this event, and as such the ranking of the entire Summer Moves Grand Prix, were determined.

The final ranking of the Grand Prix was as follows:

Ben did good business today. Tournament winner and 5th Place (500HKD) in Grand Prix with only one tournament!

Niilo took home the trophy for 3rd place of the event and 2,5000HKD as Champion of the Grand Prix.

Edgar won the 2nd place trophy and the 2nd place Grand Prix 2,000HKD prize.

Boris brought home Best U12 trophy and a handsome 1,5000HKD as 3rd place in the Grand Prix. Daniel got 1,000HKD as 4th place Grand Prix.

Pak Yu ended 7th overall today and deservedly got Best U8 trophy and Yiheng got Best U10 with an impressive 4th place in today's event.

The Prize Winners!


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