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EOM Autumn 2019 still open in all 4 groups

On October 27th, Caissa organized the second End of the Month for the new season. Most of the players were regular participants, but we are always happy to see some new faces!

As usual, players are divided in groups according to previous results, current chess level they are doing, ... The groups matter only for prizes, but depending on the kids performance they can play with higher level players if they are doing well and with lower level players if not doing so well.

The tournament started with a very exciting game between the 2 players who would end up as first and second (the tournament format focus on getting as many balanced games as possible), where Max sacrificed many pieces to try to checkmate Henry, who couldn't find the best defence.

After that, both of them kept winning their games

Group A was won by Max, followed by Henry. Lachlan got the 3rd price for a small tie-bread advantage over Tiia.

Group B was won by Ho Lam, who only lost to Henry. Ethan and Elvis scored the 3 points that were needed to get a prize in this category this time.

In the group C were Athan, who was second last month, had a better tie-break than Kainos and Bruce, all them with 3 points.

The group D had Ethan as the winner with 2 points, same than Anaisha and Collin but with a stronger pool of opponents, so better tie-break.

Group A: Lachlan, Max, Henry

Group B: Ethan, Ho Lam, Elvis

Group C: Kainos, Athan, Bruce

Group D: Anaisha, Ethan, Collin

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